Innsamling koordinert av Europe Triathlon
Europe Triathlon satt i gang en innsamlingsaksjon på "An evening for peace" i La Nucia, Spania, 12. mars. Vi vil overføre midler mottatt gjennom Spleis til Europe Triathlons kampanje, slik at de kan bruke midlene på riktig måte.
Flere forbund har allerede støttet innsamlingen. Det tyrkiske forbundet har sagt blant annet:
“Due to the war and tragic events in Ukraine, as the Turkish Triathlon Federation, we would like to state that all kinds of support will be provided to our Ukrainian triathlon athletes in Turkey. We took action to identify the needs of Ukrainian triathletes in Alanya, who are far away from their families and friends and to report these needs to ETU. In order not to interrupt their training, the use of the facilities was provided free of charge by meeting with the local authorities, and we will try to help them with their accommodation.”
Også privatpersoner, deriblant tidligere president i Norges Triatlonforbund, Arild Mjøs Andersen, har bistått det ukrainske forbundet.
Les mer om den europeiske kampanjen for å støtte ukrainske utøvere